Steve Kerr, Artist


Steve Kerr Artist

My name is Steve Kerr. I am a fourth generation Absarokee, Montana resident. I grew up fishing and hunting before Montana was “discovered.” I had no idea at the time what a blessing it was. It was the start of merging my love of nature with my passion for art, and later became the holistic person I am today.

I was interested in art at a young age. I had little education in the arts, and not much confidence in my ability. As I learned later, desire seemed to be the main component. When I became emotionally and spiritually mature enough I decided to pursue my passion and had to tell myself I am an artist. This happened about a decade ago. So there lies the power. Make a decision, and believe it to be true. I’ve always had the drive to create. One of my attributes is an imagination that needs to expand and express. I like to create new art that I haven’t seen, or find the art in nature that not everyone sees [a piece of driftwood, a log, or maybe an old car grill.] I become engaged in paintings that remind me of rich experiences or special places that have touched my soul. I’m learning that my artwork seems to touch a lot of other people’s hearts too. I find myself producing a lot of art about wildlife, native Americans, Montana scenery, old cars, and whimsy. I am a prolific artist since I retired a couple years ago. Since then I have more time and energy. As a result I don’t mind donating to local nonprofit organizations when asked.

If you are reading this I believe something in your spirit has brought you to engage in something my spirit has to share. My art is an evolving expression of gratitude, joy, and serenity.

Many Blessings to you.

Steve Kerr Artist